Friday, December 24, 2010


  1. BE COLLABORATIVE you need people from up and down the management chain to contribute to the company
  2. CONNECT WELL with your team, clients and customers. this is the age of connectivity
  3. NEW PEOPLE will bring in fresh ideas
  4. REACH TO THE MASSES product must reach the common man
  5. BE OPPURTUNISTIC start small with the people who are most passionate about building relationshps with customers
  6. BE FLEXIBLE you never know what is going to happen, so you have to constantly adjustyour thinking and learn
  7. MOTIVATE yourself and the people around you
  8. BE A GOOD LISTENER all companies say they listen to their customers , but do they really listen and let people know that they are listening?
  9. BE ORGANISED organise all resources well before in hand to put into practice the course of action
  10. ANALYSE unless you clearly understand the goals of your organisation,and how to support them through analysis, no amount of other effort will ever lead to success
  11. PLAN it is the foundation area of management.planning requires administration to access; where the company is presently set, and where it would be in the future
  12. BE PATIENT any new business,or product or idea takes time to get executed and come on track.give the fruit its own time to ripe

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